How to build an ROV
UUR has developed their own ROV kit that students build in their after school programs. We recently switched to using a bilge pump motor, but suggest if you are building a ROV at home to use this supply list. This kit costs about $30 and uses common parts from a hobby and hardware store. We recommend using the SeaPerch.org ROV manual when building your ROV. There are other great online resources for building an ROV such as: SpaceShipOne's example, or this one called HomeBuiltROVs.
Here is a parts list. Some parts can only be ordered and others are available at hardware stores such as Lowes and Home Depot. Our ROV uses 1/2 inch PVC.
The following videos can also be accessed from our YouTube channel.
This video shows how to cut and assemble your frame.
As the video describes, below are the PVC lengths you’ll need. Remember to label them as you cut so you know what piece is what size.
2 pieces, 6 1/2 inches
4 pieces, 5 inches
2 pieces, 4 1/2 inches
2 pieces, 4 inches
2 pieces, 2 1/2 inches
4 pieces, 1 1/2 inches
2. Waterproofing the Motors
This video goes over how to wire up and waterproof your motors.
3. Attaching the PROPELLERS
This video shows how to attach the propellers to the motors.
4. soldering
This video goes over how to solder the components to the PCB.
5. control box and wiring
This video shows how to wire up the PCB and finish up the control box.
5. final assembly
This video goes over attaching the motors to the frame and finishing up your ROV.
Time for your ROV's maiden voyage! Put it in the water and test its buoyancy. You want it to be neutrally buoyant, so your ROV isn't sinking or floating. Have fun!
Other Resources
SeaPerch and MATE offer ROV kits that you can purchase and build.
A great build manual to use as a reference is by SeaPerch.org.